
Produce globally employable competent civil engineers committed to research, innovation and entrepreneurship with core values.


  1. To impart quality in academics through experimental innovation with core values.
  2. To promote innovative practices in the field of civil engineering.
  3. To inculcate entrepreneurial approach among the learners as civil engineer.
  4. To enhance industry – academia collaboration for promoting research and placement.
  5. To offer the services to community.

Program Education Objectives (PEOs)

After successful completion of the program, the student will

PEO1 able to pursue higher study for research and innovation in the field of civil engineering.
PEO2 be equipped with knowledge, skill, attitude and ability to perform ethically the role of competent professional civil engineer.
PEO3 work as an entrepreneur for serving the society.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

At the end of the program, the student will be able to

PSO1 apply the knowledge of civil engineering to avail the services in planning, designing and execution of various projects with professional ethics.
PSO2 plan, design and construct infrastructure facilities to satisfy economic, environmental and societal need in a sustainable manner.
PSO3 solve the real life problems of Transportation Engineering.