An interactive webinar session was conducted on “Energy Conservation Awareness Program†in coordination with PCRA (Petroleum Conservation Research Association for pre-final and final year (Sem 5th and Sem 7th) students with a view to provide fundamental understanding of significance and conservation of energy as current needs on 15th July 2021. The expert, Shri Chirag V. Chauhan, freelance energy auditor and founder, Elnec corp. has delivered web based session on bases of urgency of energy conservation, status of hydrocarbon fuels in the world, role of renewable sources, role of All Electric and Hybrid Electric cars. Global and Indian targets and plans in this direction. The session included listing and detailed discussion on effectiveness of renewable energy generators working on different principles, status of energy reserves in the world, goals of our nation and the state indirection of energy conservation and promoting electric vehicles/ technology of reducing dependence on hydrocarbon based fuels. The students have participated in good numbers (135 attendees including students and Faculty) been interactive throughout the session since beginning and made the prgramme successful. The pictorial memory and feedback is shared here with in the following section. This is to offer heartfelt thanks to the Head of the Department Electrical Engineering to permit and guiding for the said programme, the expert for sparing valuable time and the participants to make session interactive and interesting.
Government Engineering College, Modasa was established in 1984 under the Directorate of Technical Education, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar in North Gujarat region with a view to spread out technical education in the region and hence promote industrial development. The institute was affiliated with Hemchandracharaya North Gujarat University (HNGU), Patan from 1984 to 2007. The institute is affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad from 2008. It is recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi.
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