A virtual visit, demonstration and awareness program on “Energy Conservation in day to day life†by GEDA at the premises of Electrical Engineering, GEC, Modasa on 16/03/2021, wherein 138 online, 26 offline students and faculty members have participated. The experts from GEDA viz., Dr. Anil K. Patel, Managing Trustee Nisarg Community Science Center (GUJCOST Recognised District Science Centre), Shri Naresh Thakor, GPCB and Prof. Girish Vekaria from PT science college visited the campus with a GEDA demonstration van. The program involved demonstration of energy conservation techniques, significance of use of energy efficient devices and practices in day to day life. The experts have shared their experiences, case studies of energy audit and application of energy efficient practices in industries, residential buildings etc. The online and offline participants have interacted throughout the session since beginning and made the session successful. The program ended with summarizing remarks and thanks-giving by Dr.Prof.V.J.Upadhyay, HOD-EE and Dr.Prof.S.S.Singh , Professor. Civil Engg. on behalf of all online and offline participants, wherein, in presence of Dr.Prof.U.R.Khare,HoD Civil, all Faculty members of and offline student participants.
Government Engineering College, Modasa was established in 1984 under the Directorate of Technical Education, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar in North Gujarat region with a view to spread out technical education in the region and hence promote industrial development. The institute was affiliated with Hemchandracharaya North Gujarat University (HNGU), Patan from 1984 to 2007. The institute is affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad from 2008. It is recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi.
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