Solid works is high level technical solid modeling software that has been widely in use among engineering community. It took vital place in many engineering courses syllabus. Solid works is playing key role for the students who are pursuing postgraduates and higher degree. This workshop comprises basic introduction of different modeling tool and fundamentals of assembling of machine parts. The main aim or purpose for conducting such a workshop is to enhance the knowledge of students and motivate them to compete in the global competitive engineering field and they can make awareness about fast growing technologies, its real applications in industries, knowing about other’s innovations, building of their inherent abilities and improvement of their communication is possible by shearing of their knowledge to the others. This workshop has provided a platform to the budding engineers to develop their design skill and explore them for practical experience in the engineering field. Solid Works software was available at fee of cost for trial.
Government Engineering College, Modasa was established in 1984 under the Directorate of Technical Education, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar in North Gujarat region with a view to spread out technical education in the region and hence promote industrial development. The institute was affiliated with Hemchandracharaya North Gujarat University (HNGU), Patan from 1984 to 2007. The institute is affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad from 2008. It is recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi.
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